1869 卡提撒克 運茶船 (Cutty Sark Clipper Ship)

IBoatie - 03




購買此產品,您可以獲得 529 點數. 您的購物車總額 529 點數 可以轉換成優惠券 NT$ 529.

NT$ 26,496



全長.寬.高.船身長(cm): 86.4*12.0*58.0*70.0 / (比例1/75)

Cutty Sark是19世紀著名的運茶船。在1869年於Dumbarton, Scottland建造,最初到1873年主要執行與東方的茶貿易。隨後20年的時間她擔任了英國. 澳洲及中國之間載客及貿易往返。1895年後她掛上了葡萄牙的旗幟有25年之久,主要作為通商貿易及運茶之用。她目前歸 Thames Nautical Training College所有,也實體停泊在英國Greenwich的乾船塢,亦作為博物館。

她是現存在世的最古老帆船,款式是英國3桅快速機帆船,長64.7公尺。卡蒂薩克號這個名字來自蘇格蘭著名詩人羅伯特·伯恩斯(Robert Burns)的「Tam O'Shanter」一詩,Cutty Sark意指漂亮女巫的白色短襯衣。

在家或辦公室擺放這艘1800年代的古典貿易船吧! 此手工船以plank-on-frame工法製造,特色為雙層甲板及兩邊各一排的金屬舷窗。前船首斜桅和三個大型桅杆,被安全地使用先進的索具和線條精心打結並用手擰緊連接。每個桅杆區都有一個由細麻布材質,附加手工縫製捲起的船帆。船的前後端各可見金屬錨和木製舵。


IBoatie Shop 代理之 Old Modern Handicrafts(OMH) 手工船製造商資訊:

IBoatie Shop 全系列優雅海航產品之製造商 - Old Modern Handicrafts

19449 East Walnut Dr. South, City of Industry
CA 91748, USA 
Established in 1999, Old Modern Handicrafts is a leading factory in manufacturing high quality wooden model ships. They are pleased to let you know that their products are proudly displayed in the world's most luxurious galleries in 5 star resorts like The Venetian or Caesar Palace, Las Vegas. From New York to Los Angeles, from London to Paris, Seoul to Tokyo, you can find their products in the center of gorgeous galleries. Museums also display their products; celebrities own their products. Television channels like ABC, or NBC use their products in their shows. Here are some product highlights that lead them to success:

Old Modern Handicrafts成立於1999年,是全球領導高品質木製手工船製造商。它們的產品在全球5星級飯店到處可見,如在Las Vegas的威尼斯人酒店及凱撒宮。



  • 100% hand built from scratch using "plank on frame" method. 
  • 從草稿到成品100%手工,運用真實造船技術的"plank on frame"工法。
  • Hundreds of hours are required to finish a model at museum-quality level, such as HMS Victory or USS Constitution. Completed models contain thousands of details created by their skillful master craftsmen.
  • HMS Victory(勝利號)USS Constitution(美國憲法號)皆需數百小時才能完成這些博物館等級的模型船,還需有技巧的工匠專注數千項細節。
  • Made of finest wood like Rosewood, Mahogany, Teak and other exotic tropical woods. 
  • 選用最好的木材像紫檀木,紅木,柚木及特殊熱帶木製成。
  • Chrome, brass fittings and ornaments constitute the excellence of their models. Extensive research through original plans and pictures make their models authentic. 
  • 鉻、銅配件和裝飾品讓它們的模型達到盡善盡美;對原始船隻建造計畫圖及圖片的深入的研究讓它們的模型達到最接近真實的表現。
  • Each model goes through a demanding quality control process before leaving the workshop. 
  • 每件產品離開工作室之前都經過嚴格品質控管。
  • It's just the perfect gift for home or office decorator, boat enthusiast or passionate collector.
  • 它們的手工船不管是對居家或辦公室以及船隻愛好者或收藏家都是最完美的禮物和裝飾。

Old Modern Handicrafts手工船,它的品質,6級中,經評鑑為僅次"傳家寶"的第5級! 


Pics Credit: bbc.com



1869 卡提撒克 運茶船 (Cutty Sark Clipper Ship)

1869 卡提撒克 運茶船 (Cutty Sark Clipper Ship)
